About Me
My name is Garrett Stephens, and I've been told by many people that I'm a good writer. I've also been told by many people that I'm insightful. I've also been told by many people i should write a blog. One day i just decided to do it when I left Adoration and had so much to say but no one to say it to. So at the very least I'll just be writing to myself, which is okay with me. ​
I am a very proud Catholic. I am a proud member, Chaplain, and Executive Council Member of The Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity. I attend Oklahoma State University, where I am studying Accounting. I'm the oldest of four boys and the son of two incredible parents. I'm a proud Texan. I am now a writer.
A really big part of my life is my faith. So, most of what I write will be things I've learned, thought about, or found to be mind blowing. Another big part of my life, that only a few of my closest friends would understand, is how things work out for me when they really shouldn't. I never know what else to say other than I've been very blessed and continue to be very blessed. Most things in my life have come very naturally to me, and there have been more than a few times where something just went my way when it didn't for everyone else and wasn't supposed to. So, I'll also be telling stories about my life that I find entertaining, most of which are times when things work out for me.
The story behind the name and theme of the blog is very simple. I've had this obsession with being Great my entire life. Some of the time it's been misguided, but most of the time I've been genuinely trying to become the best version of myself that I possibly can.
If you get anything out of my writing, feel welcome to call, text, or email me. If you think I'm an idiot, same offer. Basically if you want to tell me anything for any reason, go right ahead. I welcome it.
Average is Lame. Be Great.